1·Objective:For establishing a principle of using antibiotic in surgical clinic, the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from surgical infected specimens was studied.
2·Titanium alloys are widely used in clinic as the preferred metal material for the replacement and restoration of surgical implants.
3·Methods Clinic data and surgical results were analyzed in 68 cases of rheumatic mitral stenosis associated with pulmonary hypertension.
4·Computer integrated surgical systems and technology is the challenge to traditional surgery, applying the technology of robot, computer and image manipulation into clinic surgical procedures?
5·Objective to confirm the mass intermedia astrocytoma of the third ventricle for the clinic manifestation, diagnosis and surgical treatment in children.
6·Objective To investigate the clinic characteristics and related issue about surgical treatment and treatment in perioperative period of senile gynecologic disease.
7·Titanium alloys are widely used in clinic as surgical implants material.
8·Some experts predict the percentage of such "medical abortions," which offer more privacy than surgical termination at an abortion clinic or hospital, will rise even more due to the new study.
9·Objective To discuss the clinic manifestation, diagnosis, and surgical treatment of thyroid nodule.
10·The clinic effect in 107 surgical patients was observed after use of this preparation.